Jackfruit Not-Meatballs™

Jackfruit Not-Meatballs™ 1 package Edward & Sons™ Shredded Organic Young Jackfruit 1 cube Edward & Sons™ Not-Beef Bouillon Cubes ½ tsp The Wizard's® Vegan Worcestershire Sauce ½ cup water 2 tsp granulated garlic (or 1 large clove, minced) Salt and pepper to taste 4 tsp Let’s Do...Organic® Arrowroot Starch 3 tsp Let’s Do...Organic® Potato Starch 2 Tbsp vegetable oil • In a frying or sauce pan, bring Jackfruit, Not-Beef cube, Worcestershire sauce and water to a boil. • Reduce heat to med-high and continue to cook until the liquid is almost gone. • Remove from heat and allow to cool. Drain the jackfruit to remove most of the remaining liquid. • In a bowl, mix the remaining ingredients (except oil) and form balls from the mixture. • Preheat frying pan with oil at medium heat. • Fry meatballs on all sides until golden brown. Click here for printer friendly version Find Great Organic Jackfruit Recipes Here. Purchase Native Forest® Organic Jackfruit singles at Edward & Sons store. Click Here to find a store near you. Republished by EdwardandSons.com

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