Coconut Nut Berry Thumbprint Cookies (Vegan & GF)

From our friends at Simplydish comes this yummy Coconut Nut Berry Thumbprint Cookies recipe, featuring our Let's Do...Organic® Organic Shredded Coconut: These cookies are not as sweet as a ‘traditional’ cookie might be – but I love that we can find ways to eliminate sugar/sweeteners from foods and make them just a little healthier for our kids … for all of us! :) In a food processor…
  • 1/4c of pine nuts
  • 1/4c of pistachios
  • 1/2c of nut butter (today we used almond)
  • 1/2c of GF all purpose flour
  • 1/4c of ‘Let’s Do…Organic®’ unsweetened organic shredded coconut
  • 1/4c of unsweetened apple sauce
  • 2tbsp of chia ‘eggs’ (see note below)
  • 1tbsp of baking powder
  • 1/2tsp of sea salt
  • 1tbsp of good vanilla
Chia ‘eggs’ – just like flax eggs … soak chia seeds in water and let them soak until the become a little ‘gelantinous’. We keep these in the fridge and add them to yogurt and our smoothies. SO good for you! You need twice the amount of water to the amount of seeds that you use. Back to the cookies…
  • First, process the pine and pistachio nuts until they are kind of crumbly. Add in the remainder of the ingredients and process until blended.
  • Form the dough into small balls – note that the dough will be quite oily from the nuts, but don’t be nervous, it all works out in the end! :)
  • Optional – roll the dough balls in a bit of extra coconut or ground up almonds … or just leave them as they are. :)
  • Place them on a parchment lined cookie sheet and press your thumb down into the centre of each cookie – making a little well for some yummy strawberry goodness!
  • You can use a little dollop of the jam of your choice or you could boil down some berries and use that (once it’s cooled) - either way, this is the part of the cookie that gives this healthy little treat a bit of natural sweetness.
  • Bake them in a 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes.
  • Sprinkle a little coconut over the top and enjoy!
Organic Coconut Recipe Click here for printer friendly version Find Great Organic Coconut Recipes Here. Purchase Let's Do...Organic® Organic Shredded Coconut singles at Edward & Sons store. Purchase Lets Do...Organic® Organic Shredded Coconut In Bulk at Click Here to find a store near you.  

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